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Tisha Ba’av

Dear Children of Israel and Noah

Since HaShem designated Abram and his descendants as the chosen people, giving him the name Abraham and his wife Sarai the name Sarah, and with the birth of Yitzhak, the Jewish people officially began. The Jewish people have endured much discrimination and hatred.

Jews were often not accepted because we were different. The Egyptians enslaved us and the Babylonians exiled us to Babylon. But Jews remained loyal to HaShem.

Solomon and David built a temple for us, a place to worship HaShem. We lost this temple because we had disappointed God, but after our repentance, HaShem granted us the Second Temple. Yet, the Jewish people continued to face hostility, and this Second Temple was also destroyed. Jews were once again exiled. Over time, a mosque was built on the place that is holy to us. It seems as though people are trying to erase the history of the Jewish people.

But HaShem stands with the Jewish people and has heard their prayers. The Jews have returned to the Promised Land, and the only thing that remains is the Third Temple.

On this day, I fast, pray, cry and worship to HaShem for the coming of the Messiah and for peace. Although I am not Jewish but Noahide, I’m deeply moved by the courage of the Jewish people and their loyalty to HaShem and their faith over thousands of years.

Lastly, I want to say. How much everyone is mean to us. Never insult their prophets or the Bible or the Quran. HaShem doesn’t want that. HaShem wants us to be a good person for the world.

May HaShem accept your prayers and hear your tears. May HaShem accept our fast!

  • Yitzhak Asaf/Talha Yunus

submitted by /u/Tellinnnn
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Source: Reditt