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Chavurah Worldwide

Texts for haggadot

Hi all, Wondering if anyone has some recommendations for texts to include for this year’s haggadot. We’re a bunch of hippie secular humanists American Jews…

Achas by The Miami Boys Choir

Hi, I found The Miami Boys Choir a while back on Spotify. I’m not Jewish and don’t speak Hebrew, but I like a lot of…

How to be Jewish in 30 Seconds

It took a total eclipse of the sun to get the book we’ve been working on for the past year to launch! “How To Be…

Hey I’m morally lost.

I’m not really looking for advice. I’m doing some soul searching, haha and I found part of it, and the other half of me is…

Children and late seders

Just wondering what others do for their children considering how late kiddush and seders actually start, for those who start after tzeit? (And live in…