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Sephardic Halakha

I’ve heard it said several times that the Sephardic approach to halakha is known for its moderation. Usually people make claims like these when discussing the (perceived) negative influence of Ashkenazi Charedi Judaism on Sephardim. The Sephardic Educational Center, for example, describes itself as, “a world renowned Sephardic think tank that translates and teaches the moderate halakhic approach and tolerant worldview of Classic Sephardic Judaism’s major rabbinic figures.” I’m curious whether statements like these have any truth to them. How does Sephardi halakha differ from Ashkenazi halakha? Is the Sephardi approach to halakha really any more moderate than the Ashkenazi MO/DL approach? Thanks!

submitted by /u/agaygoy
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Source: Reditt