Hi, I’m looking to put a book together, with useful information and lots of pictures of different communities of jewish people and the subtle things that distinguish them.
I also want to feature important figures to these groups, and include a footnote on their historical influences. (and maybe some notes on different ways they pasken)
I want this work to focus on orthodox communities ( everything that the orthodox union or rca would consider acceptably orthodox) and to serve as a valuable tool for baalei teshuva to be aware of different flavors of frumkeit so they can make choices in their journey that are a little broader than what happens to be local.
In addition, i want this book to be interesting and fun to look at, so children might also enjoy it.
It’s third purpose would be to promote ahavas yisrael and appreciation of each other.
I’m looking for a co-producer, especially someone who has some innate familiarity with different trends. I look forward to hearing from you, and maybe even working with you.
submitted by /u/Single-Ad-7622
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Source: Reditt