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This was Zionism’s greatest achievement

There is incessant discussion about wars and bereavement in Israel. Too little is said about Israel’s breakthrough peace treaty with Egypt and its astonishing and…

Confusing Path

To start off and put simply, I am lost… I am prospecting Judaism and have been for some time, I’ve been watching a lot of…

no documentation of being jewish

i know that i’m not the first person with this problem, but it’s making me a little bit sad ! i’m jewish on my mom’s…

Help me settle a dispute with my dad

For context, my dad is Reform and I’m a BT My dad is convinced that Orthodox Judaism doesn’t allow fathers to hug their daughters. I’ve…

A thought inspired by Friday’s Daf (page) in the Talmud, Gittin 45

Ethics and Temptation. ​ This post presents a philosophical idea inspired by the text of today’s Daf. The Daf is one page in the…

Authorship of the Zohar

There is controversy about whether the Zohar was written by Rashbi or Moshe de Leon. Many believe it was written by Rashbi and merely published/dessiminated…

Advice about a friend

I’m not sure if this is the right sub for this, but here I go. I’m not sure what to do my friend at this…

Does Hashem need us?

How does it benefit Hashem to have people follow his mitzvot? Does He get nachat when we do good? submitted by /u/mgoblue5783 [link] [comments] Source:…

Mizrachi Name Ideas

I’m a Sims player and one of my families is Mizrachi and I’m running out of ideas submitted by /u/Ivy_2535 [link] [comments] Source: Reditt