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One commentary to rule them [weekly parasha study] all?

Looking for help figuring out what chumash, mikraot gedolot, and/or weekly parasha companion book(s) to purchase. Ideally I want Hebrew with a solid, literal, not overly dry translation and a variety of traditional commentaries and midrash (which also need to be translated or include translation) for weekly study in a smaller package (e.g., I really don’t have the space for a 12-volume set).

Nervous about the Stone translation and didn’t love the format of the Steinsaltz sample page I saw. Perusing old posts on this subreddit, I’m thinking maybe the old Soncino A. Cohen edition or the abridged Hirsch Trumath Tzvi supplemented with the Nachshoni Studies in the Weekly Parashah set.

Open to and thankful for other ideas anyone might have!

submitted by /u/mlba23
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Source: Reditt