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Nusach Ashkenaz versions explained

Minhag Ashkenaz: the mainstream version of Nusach Ashkenaz and the acceptable version in Israel. It gone through updates and parity from Nusach HaSephardim by Rabbis in North-central Germany and other places.

Minhag HaGra: the Version of the Gra most used in Poland and Lithuania. Today it’s very rare to find a Nusach HaGra only siddur in Israel.

Today, most of the Nusach Ashkenaz siddurim in Israel have both Minhag Ashkenaz and HaGra phrases.

Note for r/Judaism moderators: Sorry for reposting on the same title. I wanted to correct things but i didn’t saew the edit button. Hope you understood, u/aviviel

submitted by /u/aviviel
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Source: Reditt