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**newer group of Jews that exists today that only follow written law from the Torah scroll**

I was shopping out of town while on a business trip and I saw someone wearing ancient looking Totafot (maybe the ancient idea of tefillin) – more like a headband with a plaque on a band with words of Torah embossed on it. I’ve been asking around and I was told that there is such a group today that follows only written Torah law.

Has anyone heard about this newer group of Jews that exists today that dropped all Rabbinical laws?

I heard this group studied the Torah very well and then dropped all Rabbinical laws (Oral Law) with the basis that the Torah forbids adding to the word of Moshe. (Once in ואתחנן and once in ראה)(Do not add to the word that I am commanding you and do not subtract from it, to watch the commandment …:2 -ואתחנן 4 / Deuteronomy

This really surprised me. Curious to hear if anyone knows about this…

submitted by /u/Special-Coffee-9249
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Source: Reditt