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Learning Biblical Hebrew for Torah Understanding?

Greetings everyone!

This is my very first time posting here.

For context, I’m a 27-year-old gentile male from the Philippines. I have been interested in learning about religion for years. One at the top of my mind is Judaism. I have successfully separated the TaNaK from Christian scripture in my mind and heart – with the Torah being the central text with the Nevi’im and Ketuvim circling back to the Torah. That, further, Judaism concerns itself through studying the text and in living and practicing it – through community, work, tradition, rituals, etc. (please correct me if I’m wrong on this?)

From what I’ve been seeing, the Torah is written in “Biblical Hebrew”. There appears to be plenty of translations for the Torah/Tanak for various Jewish denominations (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc.). There are the so-called chumash as well.

And so, I’m curious to know if I should still try to learn Biblical Hebrew? That is, in an attempt to learn a bit about the original in its primary context. What do you think will be my roadblocks? Are there any other pros you can consider in my goal?

Thank you in advance.

N.B. I am not really interested in “Modern Hebrew,” however.

submitted by /u/Solace_In_the_Mist
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Source: Reditt