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Is being Jewish expensive on purpose? Or is it something people can change, but won’t or don’t know how to?

The food and things you have to do to get it. The schools and camps and activities. Time off work may leave you unpaid. Memberships. The bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah ceremony and everything that comes with it. Special clothing. The kids expected and how much they cost to exist.

I’m not the only one who grew up going without certain things, being looked down on for not being Jewish enough (as if it was my fault). Some people I know became orthodox and are now living in a worse state. They complain about being unable to eat meat or something, but won’t accept a “lesser” level of kosher. They are sad they can’t do some activities. They are sometimes seen as high maintenance and annoying, especially if they either try or succeed to make the kosher or transportation problem everyone else’s problem.

Is this intentional? Can it be helped? Or is there some other reason we haven’t made an effort to correct much of this yet?

submitted by /u/Red-Droid-Blue-Droid
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Source: Reditt