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How is Jewish status going to be determined in cases of reproduction involving artificial sperm, artificial eggs, and/or 3+ people?

I really hope that I didn’t already ask this question here before. Anyway, though, here goes:

How is Jewish status going to be determined in cases of reproduction involving artificial sperm, artificial eggs, and/or 3+ people? I’ve read that eventually we might be able to use men’s DNA to create artificial eggs and use women’s DNA to create artificial sperm. Thus, if two men are going to reproduce without the help of any women or two women are going to reproduce without the help of any men, how is the resulting children’s Jewish status going to be determined? Also, what about if 3+ people will reproduce as a result of technological advances making it possible for a child to be created from the DNA of 3+ people? How is the resulting children’s Jewish status going to be determined in such cases?

Any thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/Souhondron
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Source: Reditt