I look at all of the creative designs tallisim have taken on, with all of the different groups within our faith, and although I own 2, which I’ve tied tzitzis by myself in my own personal minhag within laws provided by several sources, I’m still not happy. Something is missing.
First, I get the reason behind the different types of striping, and I love both my Chassidic style 88×72, and my smaller tallit with blue stripes. I’m not an atra fan. I personally find them unnecessary. However, I do like simplistic corner reinforcements. Some are way too gaudy, others not worth mentioning.
So, I purchased a lambs wool, Turkish, kosher blanket with beautiful fringes, in a natural off-white color and faint white beautiful designs for $20. I have lishma Ptil techeles and lishma thick tzits I’ve been saving, and Ben’s Tallit Shop had corners in a gorgeous, simple pattern of light blue pomegranate vines and fruit.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for those corners to be delivered on Monday! This will be my true expression of both my ethnicity and my love for Hashem. I want to be myself, and if it strays from the norm, that’s ok! The happiness and excitement I feel is propelling and inspiring.
Anyone else have a DIY story about their tallis? I’d love to read what others have done! 🔥❤️🇮🇱
submitted by /u/justsomedude1111
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Source: Reditt