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Has anybody had a chance to read/review the Torah translation by Robert Alter?

Robert Alter is a Hebrew scholar and academic who spent the last few decades doing a personal translation of the Torah.

It just very recently came out

The way that people speak of the translation is that rather than doing direct translations (word by word) or (sentence by sentence) which don’t necessarily translate well into English, he seems to have broken down the writing structure in such a way that he rebuilt what is trying to be said into English. Apparently, the translation comes off as more poetic and uses aspects of the English language which normally aren’t applied.

The idea being that he’s saying the same thing (his claim) while using more of the finesse of the English language to help bring the language to life through an English tongue.

I was just curious if anyone has been able to read the translation or know of any reviews of the translation by an independent or outside authority.

submitted by /u/TanookiDooki
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Source: Reditt