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Free books online written by Paul Isaac Hershon

HERSHON, PAUL ISAAC (1817–1888), hebraist, born of Jewish parents in Galicia in 1817, became at an early age a Christian. As a missionary he was an active promoter of the objects of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews in England and the East. He became in succession director of the House of Industry for Jews at Jerusalem and of the model farm at Jaffa. In 1859 he retired from the mission field in order to devote himself to work on the Talmud and Midrashim. He died, comparatively suddenly, 14 Oct. 1888, at Wood Green, Middlesex, in his seventy-first year, leaving a large amount of literary matter in manuscript.,_Paul_Isaac_(DNB00)

These books are basically extracts from the Gemara and arranged by topic. They seem interesting.

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ETA: Info about the House of Industry.

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