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Feeling Discouraged About Shul

I’ve been struggling lately with my connection to Shul. Usually I love it but I’m in my mid 20s, and it feels like there’s no one in my age group attending services or anything. Most of the time, I find myself surrounded by either older congregants or families with young kids. (Who I love and adore). But I dislike the fact I’m closer in age to kids than anyone one else.

To make things more challenging, I’m not able to go to Chabad since I don’t have a Jewish mother. The crowd they attract all have office jobs and degrees and I don’t relate to them at all. Also I get stared at more at Chabad because I’m visibly a POC. (That’s another thing entirely).

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you navigate it? I’m really feeling discouraged and could use some guidance. I just want to hang with other Jews my age. Which is apparently a huge ask for my Jewish community.

submitted by /u/problematiccupcake
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Source: Reditt