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Do my beliefs mesh with Judaism? (At least some branches?)

I am an ethnic Jew whose mom’s mom wasn’t Jewish. I believed in Judaism and wanted to officially be a part of it so I converted conservative. This was years ago, and now I am having doubts. Basically:

  • I no longer believe the Torah is divine, I think it is just stories written by people
  • I believe in the existence of spiritual beings other than G-d. I think they can interact with our world (like it’s possible to talk to them)
  • I believe in reincarnation, though not everyone has to go through it
  • I believe in animism, that every living thing has a spirit or spiritual energy because it is a part of G-d

I’ve been asking myself, why should I continue being Jewish if I don’t believe in Torah and I have these other weird beliefs? Well, I love my Jewish heritage and Jewish culture and I don’t want to give that up. But I feel like my conversion was a mistake if my beliefs aren’t compatible, but I don’t want to lose my Jewishness. What should I do?

submitted by /u/jewcy-peach
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Source: Reditt