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Davening for Dummies

I (25F) am currently on a journey of spiritual self-discovery and want to start praying each morning, but am so overwhelmed on where to even start.

I grew up in a reform temple and and am unfamiliar with many of the Shacharit prayers in the siddur. My Hebrew reading is not great, so getting through all the prayers in Hebrew takes me a very long time. Even the prayers for which I know the Hebrew, I have no idea what they even mean, so it is sometimes hard for me to find meaning in them.

I don’t typically have a lot of time in the mornings. I would say 15 minutes is about as much time as I could dedicate. Which prayers are the most important for me to say? I have been seeing sooo many different answers for this. Even getting through the full Amidah is a bit intimidating. My goal is to have a meaningful prayer that doesn’t feel like homework.

Where is a good starting point for me, as a beginner? Please link any resources that may be helpful. Thank you!!

submitted by /u/Perfect_Pesto9063
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Source: Reditt