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As a Muslim, can I read the Torah?

I’m really interested about how the three Abrahamic religions all kind of function the same, at the most fundamental level (from what I know so far), and I know that what the media portrays about Judaism (here in the UK at least) isn’t entirely true, just like for us Muslims.

So iI thought, what better way to find out about Judaism than the Torah.

So I was wondering if there may be any restrictions in place as a non-Jew wanting to read it, and if anyone could link me a PDF or something of a Hebrew-English side-by-side version, if they exist because I’m also trying to learn to read and write a bit of hebrew for the bants anyways (I know quite a bit of Arabic, so it isn’t too far off).

Any help is much appreciated.

תודה רבה!

submitted by /u/narmi786
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Source: Reditt