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Anyone interested in a Minneapolis meetup?

Saw this post, got interested in maybe doing a Minne meetup. I move there for school in a few days/weeks depending on how you count (going to the U, classes start Sept 3), and I’d be interested in meeting the community.

I’d think it would be easiest to have food potluck-style to keep things cheap — and that way I don’t have to figure out how to keep things kosher, y’all can make sure of that yourselves.

This isn’t intended as just a Reform/secular thing, I have no issue with Conservative/Orthodox/whatever else, though I will say that if you’re one of those that is gonna heavily criticize us for not following the laws, like the haters in this thread, please don’t turn up.

What do y’all think?

submitted by /u/TrekkiMonstr
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Source: Reditt