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Any Outs for a Ger Kattan?


So I’m a Ger Kattan (converted when I was 4) and raised Orthodox.

I’m 44 now and not shomer shabbes (depending how you hold on electricity/computers) but do keep kosher because I want my friends/parents to eat by me.

Ex-Haredi too.

So, in short.. I’m not happy with Judaism, or the fact that i was converted and now am FORCED to keep this OR ELSE.

Truthfully I believe that something happened on Sinai (see the book Permission to Believe) but don’t think it’s fair that I’ve spent my life pleasing my parents for their religion.

Also – and what I think would be frank for the forthright among you – I think it’s bullshit to sit a kid in front of his parents at age 13 and ask him if he wants to be jewish (then he’s locked in forever) – who’s gonna say no? Especially if the parents are quick with the belt.

Any way, happy peseach to all. Not an unbeliever here, just feel like I fell thru the cracks and I’m stuck in something I really hate. Shame I believe it or things would be easier mentally.

Can anyone find a r’yeah why i’m not jewish? thanks.

Happy pesach!

submitted by /u/doesitreallymatter4
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Source: Reditt