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Chavurah Worldwide

chag purim katan sameach

For anyone familiar with some of the small Sephardic & Romaniote communities of the mediterranean, today the 18th shevat is our purim katan. From Sicily,…

struggling as a baal teshuva

Hi, i’m a baal teshuva and have been getting more religious this year. i’ve started attending a orthodox synagogue, and trying to get more religious…

Experience with Olami Organization?

I recently started a virtual mentorship program with Olami Souled and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them or knowledge on the organization…

Can I gift a gift card in Shabbat?

I’m going to my local chabad for Shabbat dinner this evening, and the rabbi and his family recently had a new baby boy. I am…

Timing of Religious revelations

Why were the Judaism or any other religion revealed only a few years ago when before these books, there were no other monotheistic religions? Why…

What is this plate?

Hello – I came across this brass plate and was curious if anyone here could identify what it is …where it’s from …or what it…

I lead Shabbat Services for the First Time

Pretty much the title. Over winter break, I practiced how to lead shacharit for Shabbat. Occasionally, my Rabbi would ask me to lead different parts…