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Looking for help finding books

I was recommended to read these books and I want to but am not able to afford or access them. Other than this one link.…

What does God wants from us?

I’m a practicing Hindu, in Hinduism our chief objective is Moksha, a state where our soul unites with the infinte and we become free from…

Genealogy of Morals

Hello! I’m curious who has read this work by Nietzsche, and would love any pushback on his thesis, or just some general discussion!! I think…

Rashi knew about Pangea 900 years ago

I’m just fascinated about this small fact. I was reading a commentary on the Thora from Rashi and like regarding Genesis and the flood and…

Shorter ways

Are there any shorter ways to do the morning / afternoon / evening prayers ? submitted by /u/Competitive-Driver44 [link] [comments] Source: Reditt

2 years since the beginning of my tshuvah

Well, it has been 2 years since I started doing tshuva and… many many manyy questions arose. Questions that anger me. Questions that make me…

My collection of Jewish books

I was raised Jewish but not very religious so in the past few years I have been trying to learn more. I’m what you would…

First all-kosher grocery haul…..

I just bought my first all-kosher grocery haul. Among my catch today was discovering Sea Castle Roasted Seaweed Snacks. I think I’m in love. Where…

Thank You to an Archivist 📚

Howdy there! ​ When I walked into the State archives to do some research today, you greeted me with a hearty “chag sameach!” ​ I…

Best Museums on the Holocaust in the US?

Just looking for some recommendations to visit a Holocaust Museum, ones that really do a great job and have some creativity beyond walls full of…