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Chavurah Worldwide

B’tselem Elokim and Being Yourself

There’s a theme in this sub where people talk about our community rejecting them because they are not Jewish al pi halacha, by Jewish law.…

Beautiful quote about Jewish people

“If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one quarter of one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous puff of star…

The fallen leaves…

I will preface this by saying I am gentile and was raised “secular”catholic (we just celebrated Christmas but in a non religious way. I’m not…


What have your experiences been like and is there anyway to know if the people on there are actually active on it vs. just forgetting…

A confession, and an apology.

I’m not Jewish, I’m French and Catholic. I’m not very happy to share this with you but in light of the recent events I think…