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Would Vegetarianism/Pescatarianism be the most ritually pure dietary lifestyle if we’re using Torah logic?

The Torah does not forbid meat consumption. There is an outlined process for which we can correctly slaughter meat for clean consumption. One of the many reasons for this process is to ensure the full removal of the vast majority of blood from the animal.

That being said, there is no such thing as a truly 100% bloodless cut of meat. There’s a Halachic established maximum of allowable blood as you would never truly be able to remove 100% of all blood from the meat.

Ritual purity is a thing Jews are constantly working around and we are actively attempting to live as pure and cleanly a life as we can. Could it not be argued that Vegetarianism/Pescatarianism is ultimately a more ritually pure diet worth following for religious reasons?

The argument is this:

By circumventing meat entirely, you are removing 100% of all blood from your diet. That includes even the negligible amounts that have been considered halachically acceptable through history.

What I am saying is that even if a small amount of blood is halachically acceptable, it’s still blood and you’re still ingesting it. Would it not raise your level of spiritual purity to circumvent meat entirely as to ensure you would never have ANY amount of blood in your system?

I was curious if this topic has been discussed by Rabbis or if practiced by some small Jewish communities.

submitted by /u/RunTheGoat
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Source: Reditt