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Why do most Muslims fantasize about the genocide of Jews?

Why do most Muslims fantasize about the genocide of Jews?

Former Muslim here. I was taught this Hadith at al Azhar when I was 12, the Ustaz told us that this prophecy will happen very soon to liberate Israel. We will start a war against all Jews and kill every single one of them until the last ones hide behind the trees and rocks.

The Ustaz told us that Jews now are planting the gharqad tree all over the world because this is the only tree that wouldn’t speak to the Muslims and tell them there is a jew hiding behind them, while all other rocks and trees will talk to Muslims to guide them to Jews.

An Israeli media platform “Memri Tv” has hundreds of videos of Muslim scholars talking about this genocide in public in their lectures:–-memri-clips-and-reports

submitted by /u/HearingAppropriate46
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Source: Reditt