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What is the meaning of the middah “Shomaya U’mosif”?

When looking at Jewish values online, one of the middot in particular caught my attention: Shomaya U’mosif. The middah “Shomaya U’mosif” generally means means “to absorb knowledge and to add to it.” I also read online that “Shomaya” contains the Hebrew root shin-mem-ayin meaning “to listen,” and the root of the word “mosif” is yud-samech-fei meaning “to increase.” One explanation also stated that “Acquiring Torah is not about repeating what one has learned but rather learning and going further than one’s teacher.” As an academic, I personally really enjoy this middah, but I was wondering if anyone could provide a more in-depth commentary on it and explain more about its meaning/what it means in the modern day. I appreciate any help.

submitted by /u/VividLevy
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Source: Reditt