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This is a good week in the Jewish calendar – Parsha Beshalach AND Tu B’Shvat

The Torah portion is pretty dramatic — the sea miraculously parts, the Israelites pass through, and the Egyptians who had been the enslavers are drowned. The Israelites safely get to the other side and the women all sing and dance. People get bummed out that there isn’t a feast waiting for them, but they end up with food to sustain them and water to drink (after a few tense moments). We get Mi Chamocha in this week’s text. We remember the story and retell it as if WE are the ones who crossed from bondage to freedom. It’s really incredible. Shabbat Shalom

Then we get the birthday of the trees (Tu B’Shvat) – starting Sunday. We take a moment and appreciate nature and all that trees offer us. Judaism is cool. Chag Sameach

(How many of your Christian friends who went out of their way in December to wish you a Happy Chanuckah will be wishing you a Happy Tu B’Svhat?)

submitted by /u/endregistries
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Source: Reditt