This is the megathread ahead of the holiday of Shavuot.
This is NOT in any way meant to limit the number of Shabuot-related posts standing alone in the sub.
However, wherever, and with whomever you’re going to celebrate, you certainly won’t be alone for this most cheesey time of our year. Ask questions and share ideas here to help your fellow Jews the world over harvest their wheat with all the community found at the base of Sinai.
Shavuos recognizes the revelation of the Torah to the Israelites assembled at Har Sinai (Matan Torah). It also marks the wheat harvest, and is one of the three major pilgrimages, called Shalosh Regalim, of the Torah. The chag concludes the counting of the Omer, 50 days after the first day of Pesah.
We read the Book of Ruth on this chag, as well as other specific liturgy and texts depending on your minhag. Also, dairy.
The Festival of Weeks starts on 6 Sivan, or the evening of Thursday, May 25, and in the traditional Diaspora runs until 7 Sivan, or to the evening of Saturday, May 27; in Israel it’s just the first day.
Some resources to introduce the holiday:
These links were from a quick consultation with Rav Google (and just knowing some good resources). There are many, many resources about Shabuos out there. If you have any to add to this list, please share below.
And of course, the havura of Reddit is here for you. You are not alone this year. We are all in this together, and will be together again next year, in Jerusalem.
submitted by /u/drak0bsidian
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Source: Reditt