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Saint John Chrysostom, the main pillar of Anti-Semitism

Saint John Chrysostom, the main pillar of Anti-Semitism

Saint John ”the Goldenmouth” was a bishop of the city of Constantinople in the 4th century AD. He was irritated by the fact that Christians used to go to the synagogues frequently and practice Jewish customs and thought it was a good idea to write the work ”Adversus Judaeos”, which means ”against the Jews”. Examples of, rather, anti-semitism in it are:

demons dwell in the synagogue and also in the souls of the Jews.”

fit for slaughter.”

”God hates them and indeed has always hated them.”

” The synagogues of the Jews are the homes of idolatry and devils, even though they have no images in them.”

John would be the turning point in the treatment of Jews in the Christian world, they were quite a persecuted minority before, but due to John’s popularity and influence, their freedom would begin to decrease in the following years. John’s works were also used by the Nazis to gain support from the Austrian Catholics.

submitted by /u/Alarmed_Business_962
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Source: Reditt