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Chavurah Worldwide

Yom Kippur

Is Yom Kippur the day when God decides if your name will be written in the book of life? submitted by /u/Lenainthedark [link] [comments] Source:…


are there any other kanye fans in this sub & have his recent comments put you off him at all?? submitted by /u/Acepokeboy [link] [comments] …

Kosher Asian stuff in New York City

I know this is a weird request, but I did not know where else to put it. Does anybody know where I can find kosher…

Judaism as an ethnicity

Hello! I (22F) have recently found out that I have Jewish ancestry. I have looked back as far as 1680, and mysteriously, there are no…

Writing "G-d" in other languages

For Jews who don’t write HaShem’s name (e.g., writing it as “G-d”), how would you do it in languages besides English? In Italian, the general…

New. York Rebbi Home

hi all- whats that place in new york that people go to pray? lubovich houseor something? submitted by /u/Murky-Success2409 [link] [comments] Source: Reditt

Chag Sameach, y’all!

submitted by /u/Group_W_Bencher [link] [comments] Source: Reditt