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My Bubbie left me this necklace, and I don’t speak hebrew

My Bubbie left me this necklace, and I don’t speak hebrew

About 3 months ago, my Bubbie passed. It has taken a toll on my family as we all miss her dearly and she held us together. When she died, she left me this necklace which my mother described as being a blessing in Hebrew when asked, but wouldn’t elaborate. In the months leading up to her death, I’ve connected with my ethnic culture in ways that I hadn’t during my life, as my mother raised me secular for the most part, only really celebrating channuka and Passover, so I don’t speak any Hebrew. I’ve done some research, but can’t find any information on this online. If someone could let me know what this says, I’d be extremely grateful.

submitted by /u/Aromatic-Armadillo-2
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Source: Reditt