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Looking for summary chart of Talmud Daffim

I’ve recently started ‘doing the Daf’, AKA following Daf Yomi. Keep in mind I’m a beginner with this stuff. It’s been very fun so far and I like the fact that for each Daf (page) there are many different people/rabbis teaching and commenting on it through many different media, the fast pace gives me a feeling of pressure to keep up which helps me stay consistent, I’m learning a lot of peripheral information as well. Overall, I’d highly recommend to anyone who has an interest in Talmud to check it out.

Anyways, I want to take a few Daf’im/Dafs and look more closely, spend more time, read more commentary, etc. I thought it would be nice if I could find a table with each daf down one column (preceded by order, tractate, chapter, etc) and a short summary of of the topics covered, whether in point form, a short paragraph, etc. I would like to be able to decide which Daf’s I’d like to focus on and maybe get a broader context of what it the subject matter covered.

Alternatively, perhaps there is a suggested order to learn in, whether by area of focus or level of knowledge and I’m open to those suggestions or sources as well. This stuff has been taught for generations so there must be ample resources like this, I’m just not sure where to look.

I’m most interested in the mishnot that relate directly to common jewish minhags or practices (common by conservative standards), or that relate to mitzvot given in some of the more commonly known parshas or commonly practiced rituals.

I realize after typing this out that I can probably look on for answers to specific questions (such as what makes a challah a challah or What are the rules for shabbat candle lighting) and then look at the specific talmud citations. Having said that, if there was a resource to help me add structure, that would be very helpful so back to the first 2 questions/points/requests.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/AlfredoSauceyums
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Source: Reditt