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Keeping commitment

One thing I’ve learned is to always observe Shabbat. When life goes amazingly well, observe Shabbat. When life gives challenges, observe Shabbat.

Shabbat centers you. If your ego is getting too big, Shabbat reminds you to remain mindful and humble. If your ego feels downtrodden, Shabbat reminds you of other good things in life. Observing Shabbat is also a privilege. There are many who would like to observe Shabbat, but they have Saturday work commitments or other things.

Same thing with commitments at shul. I try to go, no matter how I’m emotionally feeling. It keeps things consistent when everything else seems crazy. It reminds me of what exists before any craziness happens and after what any craziness happens.

I am grateful for the miracle of Shabbat.

submitted by /u/btickader
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Source: Reditt