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Information about Jewish-Italian Languages such as Bagitto and Giudaico Romanesco, Transcription request

Hello, I am seeking more information about Jewish Italian dialects, the most well attested (with audio clips and accompanying transcriptions) seem to be Giudeo-Romanesco and Bagitto (the language of the Jews of Livorno, or Leghorn.) I am also interest in Giudeo-Piemontese, which is used by Primo Levi in “The Periodic Table” but is pretty poorly attested in terms of authentic sound recordings. I would like to find a spoken example of either Giudaico-Romanesco and Bagitto with an accompanying script so I can analyze it better (I am at like a B2 in Italian but my comprehension drops off the minute there is even a whiff of dialect or accent), so far I have found an example of Giudaico Romanesco here in the form of this play, Pur’io Riderio Si ‘o Matto ‘un Fosse ‘o Mio and the script seems to be available on Ebay. The play is mentioned and Giudaico Romanesco is outlined in “The Handbook of Jewish Languages” by Kahn and Rubin. Here’s a great example in Bagitto but the play “Alla banca di Memo”, by Guido Bedarida, seems almost impossible to find. Here is an article about Bedarida’s plays. Alberto Pavoncello writes plays in Giudaico-Romanesco but scripts to his plays seem impossible to find, here’s a playlist of some of his works.

There is also this very strange channel that redubs modern films in giudaico-romanesco, if anybody has any familiarity with this language and could help me transcribe it, that would be great:

Also, there is this interesting talk about Jewish Italian dialects (In Italian) here:

Here is a collection of good sources on Jewish Italian life here (in Italian):

Here is a documentary with Hebrew and Italian subtitles on the History of the Roman Jewish community.

Another good resource is “Grammatica Storica delle parlate giudeo-italiane” by Marcello Aprile.

submitted by /u/RemoteWeight
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Source: Reditt