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If you convert from bnei Noah to hasidism, are you obligated to dress up like them?

I’m studying with a Sephardic rabbi and he is always saying that there’s a difference between the law and the customs of the people, he also told me that the kippah is important but it isn’t a obligation, however you are obligated to use it while attending a synagogue for example, so it doesn’t make sense for me, or you are obligated or not, by the way about hasidism, I feels like you are obligated to dress like a hassidic even knowing that the law is one thing and the customs another thing, and I’ve the impression that they will not accept you if you aren’t dressing like them. Idk why are clothes so important to the religion despite the cultural reason and I feels like it segregates people.

submitted by /u/erick_rednose
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Source: Reditt