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Feel weird about lack of cultural connection

Okay, so… I’ve been feeling weird lately about my lack of connection to my cultural heritage. For starters, I’m not completely sure what that heritage even is (but I know I have Jewish ancestry). I wasn’t raised Jewish, I was raised Christian and now identify as “agnostic” or “pagan.” From what little I know of my family, my great grandparents immigrated to the US from Germany just before the Haulichaust. According to my mom, my grandfather never talked about his family. I feel almost like my heritage was stolen, but I also feel like it isn’t really mine. Like I don’t have a right to it.

I don’t know if anyone else feels this way, or what I expect to get out of this post. I just felt like reaching out, I guess..?

Sorry if this is weird or out of place.

submitted by /u/Crab-of-Plenty
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Source: Reditt