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Enough to contact my local synagogue?

So I was very interested in Judaism as a child, given that I have Jewish ancestors, and though I grew up culturally Christian, we visited our ancestors at the Jewish graveyard somewhat often. At school I was excited to learn about Judaism in the subject religion (though we did not get to, but that’s off topic). I then entered my teens, and knew definitively I believed there was some form of a god, and immediately tried out multiple different religions and gave up at 17, having tried out about 5? And none of them feeling right. Last year I stumbled upon a few things about being Jewish online during my random internet deep dives, and Judaism just kinda stuck in my mind, since then I’ve started learning very basic Hebrew, and reading the Torah. It feels quite right? I’m wondering if it’s enough to contact my local synagogue, I’ve heard of so many knowing since they were a young child, so I’m wondering if I’ve had this feeling long enough to contact them..

sorry if my English is a bit sloppy, I’m not a native speaker

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Chart86
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Source: Reditt