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did any of you convert to judaism during college? what was your experience like?

i am a freshman in university and i have wanted to convert for a few years now. i felt a strong connection to judaism when i was in middle school but it wasn’t until high school that i realized it was possible to convert. i watch videos about judaism, read books about judaism, and learn as much as i can about judaism. i am curious about people who have converted during college. if you could tell your story and what it was like converting while also being a student and keeping up with social life. the town that my university is in does not have a synagogue. the univeristy does have hillel and chabad. the closest synagogue is 20ish minutes away by car. i would very much like to begin the conversion process next year or maybe when i am a junior. covid-19 plays a role in this. to be part of a community in-person would be ideal but i recognize that my conversion journey may have to begin online or that i may not begin the process of converting until it’s safer here in the states. the city i am from has a small jewish community but i do not know if it would be better to convert in the city or if it would be better to convert when i go to university. i live at univeristy september to november and then february to may. i live at home december to january and late may to august. so i wonder how that affects conversion.

any opinion/comment/guidance is valued. regardless of if you are a convert or not. this subreddit has helped me a lot in formulating my thoughts on conversion and learning more about judaism. thank you guys.

submitted by /u/geesewhat
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Source: Reditt