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"Clau­dia Aster, cap­tive from Jerusalem. Tiberius Claudius Mas­cu­lus, freed­man of the Emper­or, took care. I ask you, make sure that you take care that no one casts down my inscrip­tion con­trary to the law. She lived 25 years". This is the oldest archaeological evidence of Jews in Italy.

"Clau­dia Aster, cap­tive from Jerusalem. Tiberius Claudius Mas­cu­lus, freed­man of the Emper­or, took care. I ask you, make sure that you take care that no one casts down my inscrip­tion con­trary to the law. She lived 25 years". This is the oldest archaeological evidence of Jews in Italy. submitted by /u/DaDerpyDude
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Source: Reditt