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Are there different variation of trope?

I learned both Torah and Haftarah trope at Hebrew school prior to my bat mitzvah. I’ve since forgotten most of it – I only remember how to chant “Merchah tipchah Munach etnachtah. mah-pah pashta munach katon” for Torah trope and “merchah tipchah Munach etnachtah” for Haftarah trope.

Recently, I’ve been trying to get back into Judaism, partially by relearning trope, especially Torah trope. I’m learning a lot that I didn’t know before. For instance, I didn’t know that trope actually had a meaning – I thought it was just the traditional way to chant Torah.

Anyway, I just found a recording of myself singing Torah trope as I learned it. However, before I found this recording, I had done some research. Most of the trope I found online sounded different to the trope I learned, and it was also in a different format than what I was used to. I only found one that sounded like the trope I learned, and that was this wikipedia clip of Ashkenazi trope:

Here is a clip that sounds like a lot of the other trope versions I found online:

I know that there are different types of trope (Torah vs. Haftarah vs. book of Esther and so on), and I also know that Ashkenazi and Sephardic traditions are somewhat different. Has the trope I’ve been finding online been the Sephardic or another version? Is the trope I’ve learned incorrect? Or are there just slightly different varieties of trope based on what you learned? I don’t know if this is relevant, but I was raised Reconstructionist, and my Hebrew School only met twice a week.

Thank you for your help!

submitted by /u/More-Cora
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Source: Reditt