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Are there any sort of “Judaism for Gentiles” podcasts?

I hope this is the right place to ask! I checked the resources in the wiki and didn’t really find what I was looking for.

I grew up in a very Christian household and, while it definitely is still a major influence on my spirituality, I’ve started rejecting many core concepts of the faith (which actually started with some great conversations I had on this sub about the anti-semitism found in the New Testament) and have stripped much of my belief down to simply the idea that spiritually is all about communion with a perfected divine creator.

All that being said, I want to learn more about Judaism from a non-Christian source, but in a way that someone who’s never been in Jewish culture (me) can understand. There are terms, traditions, and theology that are completely foreign to me, which makes it hard to jump in head first. I’m a big fan of podcasts, so these would be the best!

I really want something that encompasses Jewish history, culture and tradition, but is also very heavy in Jewish theology, textual interpretations, and what it means for both Jews and gentiles.

submitted by /u/rarealbinoduck
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Source: Reditt