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Anyone know any Jewish summer camps anywhere that are hiring full session for the summer?

Im a 17 year old with experience at two summer camps one day and one overnight that is looking to work this summer at another camp. I’m going into my second year of college this fall, I went to a Chabad school but my family is orthodox. Any denomination camp is great. I work at a store and I also have a bit of experience with admin work.

So I was wondering if any summer camps are hiring for hourly pay. At previous summer camps I made both 100 dollars a month and 450 a month which isn’t really enough since I need to buy a car this fall and would rather work full time at the store. However if there are any hourly or at least 1k a month positions I will gladly take them! Whether it’s maintenance, cooking, photography, office work, being a counselor etc I’d love to learn a new skill.

If anyone knows any camps looking for staff please let me know and I will give them a call. I’m from Southern California but can go anywhere

submitted by /u/Substantial__Meal
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Source: Reditt