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According to Torah, is modern Israel at risk of any harm?

The debate about iron dome funding made me think of this question. In Tanakh, at one point, because the sins of humanity were so great, G-d almost wiped out the world with the flood. But then He made a promise that no matter how bad the sins of humanity, He would never do that again. Likewise, the Temple was destroyed twice, and Israel was sacked. According to Torah, this was related to judgement for the sins of some in Israel. My question is, did Hashem make any similar promise to the one he made to Noah, except relating to Israel, to never let Israel be harmed again after its re-establishment? Or is it just as possible today that if enough sin took place in Israel, Hashem would judge it and allow it to be taken over by an enemy the way it was taken over by Rome and Babylon in the past?

If so, what types or levels of sins do the sages say would cause this to happen? There is probably at least one Jew in Israel who does not follow the Torah, and who may even follow non-Jewish religions equivalent to worshiping the golden calf, and yet, Israel is still the Jewish state today, and all its occupants have not been caused to wander in the desert for 40 years as judgement for atheist Jews living in Israel and Jews who worship other gods. So my question relates to the fact that the standard seems to have changed between then and now, just like G-d changed the standard (which is His divine right) after the flood, which begs the question, what is the current standard, according to Torah especially midrash?

submitted by /u/redditrando250
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Source: Reditt