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A map for Kevarim of Tzadikim

Shalom everyone,

About a month ago I posted about a platform I created for sharing Kosher places with over 300 Kosher places in NYC, 350 in Florida and 2000 in Israel.

I just wanted to share that someone opened a map for Kiveri Tzadikim (Kevarim of Tzadikim) on our platform, with over 200 Kevarim in Israel (tombs).

Welcome to contribute and share more Kevarim you know of 🙂

This is the link for the map, if you click on it with desktop, it’ll take you to our website, if you click with mobile, it’ll take you to the app stores to download the app

Also, if any of you have an idea for another map that could be helpful to the Jewish community please let me know and I can put one together!

submitted by /u/Don-John12
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Source: Reditt