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Posts published in “r/Judaism”

Am I Jewish

So my moms dad is Jewish my moms mom is half Jewish and she was raised jewish and was accepted at her conservative synagogue my…

What is this menorah?

We found this beautiful small bronze(?) menorah (base 5*3 cm, height 12 cm) at an antiques store in old Cairo. We bought it then noticed…

A thought inspired by Sunday’s Daf (page) in the Talmud, Nazir 13

Losing some freedom to gain it in the future. ​ This post presents a philosophical idea inspired by the text of today’s Daf. The…

Have you noticed a ‘Ye Effect’?

I have noticed a lot more casual antisemitism (at best) on social media and also in real life. Does anyone think this was as an…

Cholent Meat – boneless?

Shalom/Salam Cousins (Muslim here). A grocery store sells “Cholent Meat” that is Glatt Kosher. Is it safe to assume this is boneless? Edit: It looks…

Sephardic Jews and Iberian culture

I’ve just seen a Spanish Fr*nce 24 piece about Sephardic Jews in Istambul. It absolutely moved me when one of them started speaking fluent Spanish/Ladino…